Digital Skills
In today’s world, most jobs require at least basic computer skills. Goodwill offers computer courses to give people the training they need to compete in the current job market. Individuals can use our computer labs to learn basic computer skills, Microsoft Office programs, typing and/or skills for the A+, Network+, Security+ and MOS certification exams through tutorials, hands-on activities and one-on-one training. Goodwill uses GCFLearnFree, TestOut and Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing in addition to individualized training plans. MOS Certification testing is available at select sites while CompTIA testing is completed offsite at an additional cost.
While most of the people accessing Goodwill’s computer courses are involved in other Goodwill programming, these services are available to the general public when working with Goodwill programs or staff in some way. Please contact your local Goodwill for more information on Goodwill’s Computer Training Services..